Allow Us To Help You Buy Or Sell A Marina
Whether you are buying or selling a marina or commercial waterfront property, that’s our passion, so we’re here to help.
For Sellers, we can list your marina through the public marketing process which uses our list of contacts plus the full complement of the internet and other marketing services.
Or we can list your marina privately, where we market your property to an exclusive list of buyers.
For buyers, we have access to the full list of properties on the market as well as contacts for off-market properties. Give us a call to discuss how we can help you find your ideal property.

Thoughts On Selling A Marina
There are two ways to go about selling a marina. Through the public marketing process in which we try to reach the largest possible audience using a wide variety of marketing resources. The intent of this process is to create as much interest as possible and thereby maximize your property's value. The second alternative is to market your property confidentially to known marina buyers and select investors. The intent of this alternative is to minimize the potential disruption to your ongoing business. When selling a marina, there are several considerations that will impact the value of your property. The most obvious of these is the condition of the physical improvements and the condition of your operating equipment. Any valuation analysis has to take into consideration both the physical improvements and also the income stream.